Focal Point Camera Club of Central Wisconsin
“I really like using links to other sites, maps etc. I used some thumbnail images to link to different websites that have specific information about photography. I like to do this because I think it adds an extra "pop" over using just a "word" link. It doesn't work for everything, but I use it when...” — Martin Welter
Rhea Rhodan
“Choosing the appropriate Sandvox theme took more time than setting up the site! It's very important to me that my web site reflect my personal style and the style of my writing. It also has to be easy to read and navigate.” — Rhea Rhodan
the eh list
“I actually grabbed my domain to make a wiki of Canadians icons and such. However, once I truly grasped the work involved in such an undertaking I quickly changed my mind. I sat at computer thinking about what to do with the domain and, as I end up doing when on the computer for more than 15...” — Canucklehead