To build “Darren Ingram,” Darren Ingram chose Sandvox. He chose the “Hydrogen Left Sidebar” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for British journalist, editor and comms guru, living in Finland,.
photography production writer services media news radio editor agency finnish journalist reporter broadcaster darren ingram
Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Contact Form, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection, Google Integration
Describe your website.
Darren Ingram Media's web site has the usual things, such as information about Darren, a detailed look at how Darren can help you and what is Darren talking about, where you can get lots of interesting (free) comments. Plus the usual contact information and, of course, links to get even more free goodness from Darren. But giving him some money in return for some products and services is no bad thing either.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Editors and managers needing content as well as any business owner or politician who might need some communications consultancy advice, even business leadership or strategic consulting. Services offered worldwide.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
It has Darren Ingram and the unique things he can "bring to the table."
Tell us a story about this website.
The best anecdote is Sandvox. Like one of the awards' speeches: "I thank my family, my friends and Sandvox, without whom I wouldn't be here today..."
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
It just felt right. A good level of design without crossing into the "look at me, there's no content but a pretty design" category.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
Just good common sense and a sprinkling of "Darren Ingram magic" that might not be obvious but it is a powerful behind-the-scenes thing. Sandvox has done the hard visual work!