Darren Ingram
“The best anecdote is Sandvox. Like one of the awards' speeches: "I thank my family, my friends and Sandvox, without whom I wouldn't be here today..."” — Darren Ingram
Humboldt 101
“We wanted to incorporate a bit of nostalgia, as it relates to the Easy Listening music format. We also wanted it to appear visually fun.” — Ken Conlin
Kontakt Radio
“Hjem forteller om vår radiostasjon, Kontakt oss om hvordan folk skal komme i kontakt med oss, Gavebrev om hvordan de kan støtte oss økonomisk, Nyheter forteller litt om nye saker, Podcast viser vår podcastside, 25-årsjubileum viser litt historie, Arkiv viser hvilke program vi hadde...” — Geir Øynes
Scott E. Hanley
“This Sandvox design seemed the best for the different kinds of content on different pages. It also seems to work well on mobile devices.” — Scott Hanley
The Ad Guy
“I wanted a clean, simple design that came as close as possible to the iWeb design I'd been using for the previous year.” — Bruce Chambers
West 65th Street Church of Christ
“Our website contains biblical sermons; (audio, power point, keynote and PDF formats), religious debates, biblical articles, and links to our radio broadcast, "Searching for the Truth."” — Don McClain
Milwaukee Area Radio Enthusiasts
“Information about the Milwaukee Area Radio Enthusiasts, meeting times, minutes of previous meetings, etc. Information on old time radio. Personal recollections and pictures.” — Ron Sayles
Ares Of Jefferson County Missouri
“This web site is all about emergency communications for Ham radio.” — Arthur Ellegood
Peter & Amy's Website
“We have developed this site to consist of a public and a family section. The public section of this site details our ham radio activities and biographies. The family section has our personal family photo albums. This section is password protected. We hope to keep you updated on our family...” — Peter & Amy Nystrom
David McKeitch Sound Engineer
“Im using a modified version of Aqua. I duplicated the Aqua design files and modified them using HTML for a bit more individual look.” — David McKeitch