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Sandvox User Profile: Bob Hermstad

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Location: Fairfield, MT, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

The site is designed to help people better understand God's Word. It presents a scriptural base for a variety of common topics, and corrects some errors that have crept in through traditions. I wanted it to be attractive and easily readable. It also needed to be easily used by viewers. I needed a site that could be built with no HTML training, since I'm "older" and not a computer whiz.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I learned about Sandvox while searching Google for new software. I'd been using Freeway 4, but was having trouble getting the results I wanted. I needed more flexibility and easier tools to work with.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

I chose Sandvox after downloading the trial version and testing it. I had tried several other programs already, but wasn't satisfied with them. The combination of a reasonable price and very convenient workability convinced me Sandvox was the best choice for me. I had switched from Windows to Mac about one year prior, so was new to Mac software and issues. I have no HTML coding background, and needed something I could build with myself since my budget didn't allow for hiring someone to build and maintain the site for me.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

Sandvox has been a real treat to own and use. I've been able to build and maintain my own site since 2008. The layout choices were very nice to have and gave my a lot of flexibility. I just added some additional designs recently and have switched to one of the new ones that I really liked because it gave me a wider page layout to work with and some new color options. I recently updated the site and added several new pages, with plans to expand the site further again as this year progresses. The new layout gives me some additional options for focusing viewer attention on specific issues and ideas. Sandvox makes it simple for those of us who are not computer experts to build an excellent looking and working website. Thank you Sandvox! I also appreciate the great tech support you provide when I have a question about the program.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

Mac web design software. WYSWIG.

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

“Some of the new material on the site was triggered by a recent national news report that featured someone that is not from a Christian tradition. He referred to "God" without clarifying what god he was talking about. The God of Scripture, YAHWEH, is the God I serve. The piece triggered an...”

bible god jesus faith relationship tradition