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6 Sandvox sites tagged “tradition”

Original Green

Original Green

“I've done a lot of (for me) cool stuff on this site, including the following: • Facebook Comments makes a great free Guestbook. • I use Google Custom Search with ads, which provides revenue I use for web hosting, etc. • people regularly ask about getting listed on my Links and Twitter...” — Steve Mouzon

Wildwood Crafts

Wildwood Crafts

“I have been approached by a local craft joiner to act as subcontractor on a letter cutting commission for a project of national significance which will be prominently displayed for generations to come. It is not in the public domain yet, so I cant divulge its exact nature but I'm seriously chuffed!...” — Richard Douglas

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

“The site uses a number of PHP routines which are simply integrated through RAW HTML. This is great to make use of PHP and MySQL to change the look and feel of the page in a few lines of code, most of which can be found as examples on the net.” — Colin Simpson

Microcemento Coloris

Microcemento Coloris

“I'ts a little early to tell. But, for us, it has already been a departure point. Sandvox helped us to be there and to be in time! Tomorrow, November the first, we'll be in front of the whole Association of Architects of Madrid, and our page will be open and working as a breeze!” — Fco. Javier Estefania



“I adopted accordion and will be incorporating a tabbed presentation of data in due course. I will also be linking to external sites.” — Steve Evans

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

“Some of the new material on the site was triggered by a recent national news report that featured someone that is not from a Christian tradition. He referred to "God" without clarifying what god he was talking about. The God of Scripture, YAHWEH, is the God I serve. The piece triggered an...” — Bob Hermstad