Location: Alachua, Florida, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
RV Trip Wizard is a trip planner for RV owners like no other.
Other planners are based around the campground affiliation of the creator of the planner. In other words, you see mostly one type of campground out of many affiliations.
RV Trip Wizard shows nearly ALL campgrounds in the US and ALL major affiliations, thus allowing an RV owner to have the best of all trip planners, and save money at the same time. All his favorite affiliations are shown.
Campground owners also have the opportunity to enhance their listings with their URL and an ad.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
I was using XSItePro 2, an excellent Windows design tool, running in an XP partition on my MacBook Pro. With the Lion upgrade, this was no longer possible.
I don't like Dreamweaver and no other Mac design software ran properly under Lion, but Sandvox did.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
It is fast, easy, publishes nicely, and seldom crashes.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
WYSIWYG website design software for Mac OS X Lion
RV Trip Wizard
“The world's best RV Trip Planner. Customers say it is better than the Good Sam planner, as well as other limited use planners. The system is very easy to use, even for trips of 16,000 miles! A free live demonstration is on the site. Check it out.”
RV Trip Wizard
“RV Trip Wizard - The best ever trip planner! How The Wiz Works | What the RV Trip Wizard is all about A demonstration of how the RV Trip Wizard works. FAQ | Your questions answered by the RV Trip Wizard Books | RV Trip Wizard Articles | RV Trip Wizard Gas Vs. Diesel | RV Trip Wizard Extend...”