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Sandvox Website Profile: “RV Trip Wizard”

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Richard Hill used Sandvox to build this website for Smart Sales, LLC. He chose the “Blueball Flexor Blue” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for RV trip planning.

Sandvox features used for this site:Podcast, External Page, Site Map, Contact Form, QuickTime Audio/Video, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection, Google Integration

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Describe your website.

RV Trip Wizard - The best ever trip planner!
How The Wiz Works | What the RV Trip Wizard is all about
A demonstration of how the RV Trip Wizard works.
FAQ | Your questions answered by the RV Trip Wizard
Books | RV Trip Wizard
Articles | RV Trip Wizard
Gas Vs. Diesel | RV Trip Wizard
Extend the Life of your RV's Exterior | RV Trip Wizard
Some Less Practice Tips On Saving Fuel While RVing | Trip Wizard
Dead RV Batteries! | RV Trip Wizard
RV Membership Clubs | RV Trip Wizard
RV Service | RV Trip Wizard
RV Manufacturers | RV Trip Wizard
Shopping | RV Trip Wizard

Who is the target audience for your website?

RV Trip Wizard is designed for owners of motorhomes, fifth wheels, travel trailers and campers. The service offers online trip planning and our database contains over 45000 points of interest, including most all of the campgrounds and RV parks in the US and Canada

Our users are generally 50 plus, couples and both those who take short trips and full-timers.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

Existing trip planners are usually owned by an organization which has campground affiliations, such as Good Sam. The parks they provide information for are, for the most part, those affiliated with Good Sam.

This is true for directories, map services and downloaded programs.

RV Trip Wizard is an independent company, affiliated with no campgrounds. We provide information for almost all US and Canadian campgrounds and RV Parks.

RV Trip Wizard is a visual planner that allows our users to actually see changes in their itinerary on Google Maps as they occur.

This website was created by Richard Hill of Alachua, Florida, USA. He has also built RV Trip Wizard for RV Trip Wizard Inc. using Sandvox.