Rebekah Gould - Lighting Designer
“I ended up choosing the Sandvox design that I am using currently because it appeared clean and professional. Visitors to my site can easily access different parts of my site. The color scheme is not distracting and matches my business cards perfectly.” — Rebekah Gould
Chris Culy: Exploring the Visual World
“The Sandvox design for provides a nice, minimalist background that allows the beauty of the art to standout.” — L. Lee McIntyre
David K. Aycock
“I only used my own word and photos in my website. I have used clip art and non-original material in a previous incarnation of my site, but wanted this redesign to be all mine.” — David K. Aycock
RV Trip Wizard
“RV Trip Wizard - The best ever trip planner! How The Wiz Works | What the RV Trip Wizard is all about A demonstration of how the RV Trip Wizard works. FAQ | Your questions answered by the RV Trip Wizard Books | RV Trip Wizard Articles | RV Trip Wizard Gas Vs. Diesel | RV Trip Wizard Extend...” — Richard Hill
Hahn-Photography - Photography on the Highest Level
“I needed a black background and a supporting picture that had to do with traveling, Asia etc. The choice was obvious. It shows the only human made structure that can be seen from the moon: the Chinese Great Wall.” — Johan Hahn
Visual Valhalla
“I use a customized version of Night Breeze. The dark background brings out the colors of the photographs and reduces distractions. The blue/green/white color theme projects a soothing mood to the viewer.” — Andrew Soh