Arthur Lopez
“I felt the smooth dark was the most suitable for an artist website. The dark background helps to showcase the work in a much better way.” — Arthur P. Lopez
Debra Hyatt
“i don't think i did anything too clever. I just used photos with links to Vimeo and Youtube to give my pages more of a sense of continuity. I have used hyperlinks quite [a bit] so visitors can visit the sites the organisation I have mentioned.” — Ms. D. J. Hyatt
Wingmaker Arts Collaborative
“I am still in the beginning phase of my work with Sandvox and look forward to adding more and more elements to the site. We have been up on Sandvox for about three months.” — Rebecca Haworth
MikeHendrixArt & Graphic Specialist
“My website has gathered attention in a short time. It shows my good natured personality while expressing my desire to do a quality job.” — Mike Hendrix
Calgary Arts Summer School
“I chose Sandvox because I like to refresh the website every two or three years. This design was modern and simple, allowing the information to take precedence over the appearance while keeping a professional look. I will gradually add other features of Sandvox (e.g. podcasts) as we get the...” — Rob Whitworth
“My website describes my company's expertise as an HR consultancy: for example employee relations, competencies & role profiling, job evaluation and interim management, as well as arts management (particularly photography exhibitions).” — MR. MARTIN L. SIMON
Gilblog, La Borne mon village en Berry.
“Gilblog website merited a story in the regional newspaper Le Berry Republicain, and on the online edition of the same newspaper.” — Jean-Pierre GILBERT