Rev. F. Jay Pearson
“I offer sermons from the Holy Bible and pictures from my missions to East Africa 2005-2013, Tanzania, Uganda, & Kenya. I provide prayer & teaching support to the individual's personal ministry.” — Fred J. Pearson
West 65th Street Church of Christ
“Our website contains biblical sermons; (audio, power point, keynote and PDF formats), religious debates, biblical articles, and links to our radio broadcast, "Searching for the Truth."” — Don McClain
Let Us Reason Together
“I am currently using the design that I have because it allowed me to keep the sight simple while allowing it to still look professional and keep the emphasis on the book that I am trying to sell.” — Joseph Stover
West Anaheim Church of Christ
“This was my very first experience designing a website. Sandvox was very intuitive. The support help when I had a question was prompt and clear. The user forum was also very helpful. I have no desire to get into web design. Just keeping this site up to date should be easy with Sandvox.” — John Buttrey
Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".
“Some of the new material on the site was triggered by a recent national news report that featured someone that is not from a Christian tradition. He referred to "God" without clarifying what god he was talking about. The God of Scripture, YAHWEH, is the God I serve. The piece triggered an...” — Bob Hermstad