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2 Sandvox sites tagged “messiah”

Via Choralis Performance Society

Via Choralis Performance Society

“Our initial content was copied and pasted from the old website. I linked to documents, photos and web pages from the old site, as well as dropped in content from my own computer. I uploaded some pdf files to our server so that I can link via a URL rather than using a file download. I spent a...” — Diane McWilliams & Helen Ramani

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

Amarel - It means "The message, or word, of God".

“Some of the new material on the site was triggered by a recent national news report that featured someone that is not from a Christian tradition. He referred to "God" without clarifying what god he was talking about. The God of Scripture, YAHWEH, is the God I serve. The piece triggered an...” — Bob Hermstad