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5 Sandvox sites tagged “romance”

The Heart Doctor

The Heart Doctor

“I wanted to be able to introduce potential fiction authors to the concept of the crowd sourced novel. Those authors needed to know the plot of the romance novel and to understand the motivations of the characters in the romance novel itself. I was able to interest authors by placing graphics of...” — Millard Johnson

Rhea Rhodan

Rhea Rhodan

“Choosing the appropriate Sandvox theme took more time than setting up the site! It's very important to me that my web site reflect my personal style and the style of my writing. It also has to be easy to read and navigate.” — Rhea Rhodan

Villa Tarentaal

Villa Tarentaal

“I'm still getting this right, but I used page injection to put on our own banner. It is not quite centered, but I'm planning on redoing in HTML5 soon, so am not worried.” — Graham T. Hunter

Molly Ringle

Molly Ringle

“The email contact form wasn't working right for me, so I inserted the raw HTML of the contact form I'd been using in my previous version of my pages. Seems to look all right and works!” — Molly Ringle

T. Lynne Tolles - Author of the Blood Book Series

T. Lynne Tolles - Author of the Blood Book Series

“Truthfully, it was the only one I liked. I had an IWeb site before but it didn't match my books. I needed something dark, pushing gothic, but professional. I'm happy with it, but I would like more options or a way to personalize it more.” — Teresa Lilleboe