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3 Sandvox sites tagged “structural”

fritz a. auweck - Conceptual Photography

fritz a. auweck - Conceptual Photography

“It was necessary to reduce the data size of pictures in a separate work step, because the program transferred them well but included the original data size.” — Prof. Fritz Auweck

Sark & Associates

Sark & Associates

“I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Just inserted some photos as objects and generally wrote my own text. I did create a form for customers to order my services that works like a charm.” — Gregory Sarkisian

Sherri Cassuto Certified Advanced Rolfer™

Sherri Cassuto Certified Advanced Rolfer™

“I chose "Smooth Dark" for the contrast it provides and the eye catching effects of using color and photos. I appreciated the ability to remove the sidebar and customize it when I chose to include it.” — Sherri Cassuto