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4 Sandvox sites tagged “surgery”



“I chose the design "minty fresh" because of its clean lines and calm appearance. It is easy on the eye (kind of like surgical drapes I guess!) and suits the surgery theme in which ScrubDeck is based.” — Jennifer Willson

Sherri Cassuto Certified Advanced Rolfer™

Sherri Cassuto Certified Advanced Rolfer™

“I chose "Smooth Dark" for the contrast it provides and the eye catching effects of using color and photos. I appreciated the ability to remove the sidebar and customize it when I chose to include it.” — Sherri Cassuto

Welcome to

Welcome to

“In researching this website I discovered the story of a Russian surgeon who removed his own appendix in antarctica. The story includes a wonderfully graphic picture of the surgeon operating on himself.” — Jeffrey Sedlack

Your DIY Health

Your DIY Health

“Within three days of putting my site online, I did a 30 minute radio interview where the site url was given out twice. I had over 150 hits within 24 hours and several commented on how much they liked the site, how easy it was to navigate and wanted to know if I built it myself. Best results I've...” — Jim Ramm