Steve Mouzon used Sandvox to build this website for M1 Concepts. He chose the “SteakYourClaim” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for great steak sandwiches served from a food truck in Portland, Ore.
portland food truck pastrami philly cheesesteak reuben
Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Site Map, RSS Feed Object, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection, Google Integration

Describe your website.
I built this site for my son Sam, who recently opened a really cool food truck in Portland, Oregon. The Home page contains a photo collection of everything on the menu and a Google map of the location. About Us is a quick page about Sam and his partner. The Menu contains details of each dish. They're getting off to a bit of a slow start on the Blog, but that's because they're selling out almost every day. M1 Concepts is their company.
Who is the target audience for your website?
This site is built for hungry people in Portland that have a hankering for any of several types of classic steak sandwiches.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
Call me partial, but steakyourclaim.com does a better job of displaying the wares and being social than most food trucks that have been in business for years.
Tell us a story about this website.
I built the entire site from scratch in one weekend, including all of the food photography, for one reason: Sandvox is so powerful and so easy to use. And we didn't even work the entire weekend… we had enough time left over to take several walks totaling well over a dozen miles around the city.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
Like all my other sites, I used Clean Sheets for this site. Look at them all and see how much flexibility you can get with the Clean Sheets design.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
My son and his partner wanted a good bit of custom text formatting, but it was no big deal to pull off with the tiny bit of HTML I know. Also, food slide show is pretty much ideal for displaying the items on the menu.