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62 Sandvox sites tagged “education”

Autism and the Art of Communication

Autism and the Art of Communication

“I chose "Outside the Lines" because that describes how we work (and the visual matched our artistic content). I like the fact that we can replace the photo banner with our own picture featuring the artwork of individuals on the autism spectrum - it gives the site more individual character.” — Sheila Bell

“Nous Accueillons les amateurs de musique, nous leurs faisons découvrir Le Yoga du Son, Naad Yoga, La Musique Classique Indienne plus particulièrement le Dhrupad grâce à nos guides, Contactez les!” — Frederique Boschetti

Spotlighting Southeast Chicago

Spotlighting Southeast Chicago

“The website, begun new, has not had a lot of time to develop such anecdotes. However, on the day after its first post on the Internet, it gained this comment: "In one paragraph, you effortlessly move from Native Americans to farming, you are one amazing writer Kevin!"” — Kevin Murphy

Børnenes Liv

Børnenes Liv

“News and information about the project of Børnenes Liv. Goal: To help children in Nicaragua living on the street to a better life through care and education.” — Agner Ebild

Don Menges Photography

Don Menges Photography

“I chose the "Rounded Blue" design because it was graphic, yet simple. I didn't want a complicated design to distract from my images.” — Don Menges

Stories from the Field: Witnessing the Changes in Indian Society

Stories from the Field: Witnessing the Changes in Indian Society

“India is undergoing a rapid transition and I am involved in studying these changes by carrying out household surveys. This website has three components: It allows me to (1) Share my field observations; (2) Make my academic work available for download; (3) Share links to newspaper articles I write.” — Sonalde Desai

Community Muona Malawi en Trinity Malawi

Community Muona Malawi en Trinity Malawi

“It seems good for the purpose to show the world what is happening in this part (Muona Malawi) of the world. I used the design for non-profit organisations” — Mgjm Suurs

MountainHeart School of Bodywork

MountainHeart School of Bodywork

“We had a prospective student call in and in the course of conversation they mentioned that they loved the website - it was very easy to use and had lots of great information. A week or so later, an attending student said he almost did not attend because he found the the website confusing. Knowing...” — Craig McLaughlin

Santa Feet Reflexology

Santa Feet Reflexology

“Many visitors to my website have commented on how attractive and effective my website is. One of those visitors happens to own a reputable website design company, which made be feel even more confident of the quality of my website and Sandvox.” — Jim J. Williams

Café Davis

Café Davis

“I chose the "Smooth Dark" Sandvox design because it is minimal, elegant, and contemporary in its simplicity. I also chose it since it allows relatively high contrast and is not just ordinary, plain white, like so many other sites.” — Mr. Christopher Davis

Academy of Kung Fu & Tai Chi

Academy of Kung Fu & Tai Chi

“The Academy of Kung Fu and Tai Chi exists to share the teachings of Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu with the martial arts community. The school teaches children as young as 3 to adults of all ages. This is a family environment that includes not only Kung Fu but also Tai Chi, Lei Tai, Little Eagles, and...” — James Nerlinger

Tumbleweed Elementary School 5th Grade

Tumbleweed Elementary School 5th Grade

“My parents love that they can access information about what their kids are learning, contact me, or my students can watch videos to grasp a better understanding of content.” — Dan Hauptman

Random Acts of Tech

Random Acts of Tech

“Community is a huge factor with my site. It is necessary for me and others like me to continue doing what we do. For example, I posted a link to my site on a forum about making your own PCB boards. I thought I might get some traffic that way. I was surprised when I received an email reply from that...” — Marcus Cooper

Midwives on Missions of Service

“This design has some movement, and energy that represents MOMS. MOMS' official color is "Ocean Blue" and the site's blue background harmonizes with that.” — Patricia Ross

Jennifer's Hamam

Jennifer's Hamam

“I liked the black background and how the warmth of the burnt orange text really came through. I also liked the big area for the picture of one of our weavers, which is highlighted on each page. The green of the menu bar gives it that natural feel.” — Jennifer Gaudet



“I chose the design "minty fresh" because of its clean lines and calm appearance. It is easy on the eye (kind of like surgical drapes I guess!) and suits the surgery theme in which ScrubDeck is based.” — Jennifer Willson



“I'm just beginning to get the hang of the raw html; and I'm having a blast incorporating the amazon links on the books I have chosen.” — Brian Dalton



“Sandvox helped me get my website up and running in no time at all. My business needs more quick solutions such as Sandvox. Thank you!” — Erin Malone Nielsen



“Because we are encouraging email, I decided to add the Datalogica webmail w/ captcha form. This was a challenge, given my limited knowledge of HTML, but I'm patient and I got great support from Datalogica. It was really fun to incorporate a YouTube feature! I am now researching how to create...” — Erica M. Swanson

National Biennial Symposium for Veterans: Health Care

National Biennial Symposium for Veterans: Health Care

“The design is clean, crisp, and allows for ongoing growth, especially in providing the latest RSS and related development options. Moreover, Sandvox allows linkages to and from other social media formats.” — James E. Mullarkey

Crystaliscious in Motion

Crystaliscious in Motion

“Joshua and I had just closed down my rock shop. I was pretty devastated and also in need of some income. We planned a class on crystal grids. The day before the class, we went in to set up the room, with stones for sale, the book we printed on an antique HP laptop, ( that later said it's farewell...” — Melissa Mogan



“My website is designed to help my high school seniors,taking the US Government and Politics Advanced Placement test. It contains presentations and activities about the US Constitution, civil liberties and civil rights, politics, governmental institutions, and public policy. It also reminds students...” — David Forrest

Paolo Palazzi Web Page

Paolo Palazzi Web Page

“È il secondo sito web costruito da me, il primo era stato giudicato una schifezza, spero che con l'aiuto di Sanvox questo sia migliore. This is the second web site I did, the first was judged ugly. I hope this one, with Sandvox's help, will be better.” — Palazzi Paolo

The Desminopathy Reporter

The Desminopathy Reporter

“I used the design Clean Sheets for my site because it best enabled me to replicate the "look and feel" of scientific journal articles. It also sets off my tagline--"Making sense of missense, nonsense, and other vexsome gene mutations." Although my site is not intended to provide medical or legal...” — Anne Phillips

Environmental Connections Outdoor School

Environmental Connections Outdoor School

“The purpose of this website is to provide information about our programs and how to sign up.” — Brooke Ahlegian

Maths Games Plus Literacy

Maths Games Plus Literacy

“I also sell my games at markets and a customer told me how delighted she was to find me again because the first activity she had bought from me had worked so well she wanted to buy more.” — Fran Crispin

Tom Seddon

Tom Seddon

“I chose the particular Sandvox design I am using because it is clean, simple, and easy to navigate by anyone and avoids extraneous "bells & whistles" just for their own sake.” — Thomas Seddon

Thomas Michael Ahern

Thomas Michael Ahern

“As a photographer, I am always looking to refine my vision. The Sandvox B&W minimalist theme helps me carry that developed style from my photographs to how I showcase them and educate others. It's simple and refined, exactly what I need for directing my viewer's attention to the content on the...” — Thomas M. Ahern

Rimwe Educational Resources

Rimwe Educational Resources

“I was looking for a "clean" design that was imminently readable but that also had an element of style. The graphic similarity to Africa was just a bonus since Rimwe LLC is so closely connected to Rwanda. Dr. Perdue was a Fulbright Scholar there and is still in touch with her former students (al of...” — Dr. Diana S. Perdue

Round Square Friends

Round Square Friends

“The site explains our purpose. It includes a list of Round Square Schools in the UK. It list Bursaries awarded by Friends of Round Square and publicises future events. It also has photos of Round Square projects. One page is a link to the Round Square website. Round Square Schoos are based on...” — Mr. G. Nurser

Era 3 Learning

Era 3 Learning

“As I work with other educators, I am struck by the positive comments I receive, and the support for the work I am doing through the website.” — Elliott Seif

Wilson High School class of 1962 50th Year Class Reunion

Wilson High School class of 1962 50th Year Class Reunion

“We recently celebrated our 50 year celebration of the class of 1962 from Wilson High School, Easton, PA. I was able to add Photos & Albums and the 50th Year Group Photo. Many photos from the actual Reunion May 18, 2012 are also shown. I've even been able to add a couple of videos.” — William D. Walters

Winnowing Fan

Winnowing Fan

“I liked the integration of social media and other media elements. My goal is to have an aesthetically pleasing as well as intellectually stimulating site.” — Donna Oglesby

Arts Integration Consulting

Arts Integration Consulting

“As an arts-based consulting firm, we were looking for something that had a clean, artistic edge to it--something that would convey the creativity that our company embodies.” — Sean Layne

RIE-Risk & Insurance Education

RIE-Risk & Insurance Education

“I have gotten several comments from others that has found the BLOG very timely and geared to things happening in the real world.” — David Sanborn

Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga

Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga

“The design I chose suits my requirements. I needed a plain template - an open canvas - upon which I could create my design layout. Simple, minimalist... with the tools to drop and drag photos, icons and content... quickly, efficiently. The ease of linking email and URL links is amazing.” — Peter Morley

Cronkite Percussion

Cronkite Percussion

“Resume, why choose my service, how I'm better and different than other local teachers, student references.” — David Cronkite

Galleons Lap Photography

Galleons Lap Photography

“I like minimalist designs, and I find the selection of these designs to be 1st rate in Sandvox (and their 3rd party designers. I like my websites to get out of the way of the content, and so gravitate to those designs that do that.” — Michael Robb and Seth Berkowitz



“I really liked the "modern technological" look of the design. My company colors are red and white, so I loved the red and silver that were the predominant colors of the design. It looked really sleek and I thought it matched my product nicely.” — Laura Bushong

the myJazz club

the myJazz club

“I chose to use the carbone template and modified it slightly in the html to suit my needs. I widened the page, customized the header and removed the footer, but other than that it's pretty standard.” — Phil Brace

“I tried several backgrounds, even paid for some extra ones, but found that the one I ultimately used features the mushroom photos well. It is simple, but effective.” — Dianna Smith

Focus Driving Academy

Focus Driving Academy

“Focus Driving Academy is dedicated to making the roads a safer place by developing alert, defensive, and responsible drivers. We are a locally owned company with experienced, college educated, national and state certified instructors. Our highly qualified instructors are very dedicated and...” — Gregory Danowski

Professor Jonathan Newman

Professor Jonathan Newman

“I periodically change my design template (a snap in Sandvox). I am always looking for a clean design that looks both professional and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. My current template was produced by a third-party design company called Behind The Rabbit.” — Jonathan Newman

THINK FEEL DO Emotional Education

THINK FEEL DO Emotional Education

“I did the trial offer and after working with it for a few days, realized it was the perfect program to replace iWeb. I was a avid fan of iWeb, but wouldn't switch back now even if Apple decided to continue hosting mobile me!” — Deni Weber



“Since I wanted a different design for each project I simply made different sites and linked them to the main page using an external page links. Each project site has its own sub directory on the server which makes things more organized. I also used external page objects to integrate interactive...” — Denis Fortin

Experiential Dynamic Therapy

Experiential Dynamic Therapy

“The goal of this website is to spread information about this kind of therapy. Information about therapy, training and workshops.” — John Koehl

Multiple Intelligence School

Multiple Intelligence School

“I cannot claim that I used any special tricks and so on on this particular site. However, many people have remarked 'how clever' I am to have incorporated YouTube videos and the like on the page. I like the way that our front page can link to features on our Facebook page (which is dormant until...” — Robin Taylor

Team Adventure

Team Adventure

“I got a call from a school in Boston who just found my website while searching the web. They came all the way to Central New York for a challenge course program with 50 of their students.” — Thomas Gardner



“Sandvox is the best software I have used for designing websites, and I have used a lot of them. It is easy to use and gives a professional look. There is a solution for almost any problem. It is inspiring to use.” — Bjorn Gunnar Eggen

Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still FIMA - Crowd Dynamics

Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still FIMA - Crowd Dynamics

“Edit in Pages - cut and paste - much easier to include complex elements than trying to edit HTML code.” — Keith

“Complete Training for the Administration & Scoring of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale Training DVD How to administer the AIMS exam How to score the entire range of abnormal involuntary movements How to Evaluate the results of the AIMS Exam he entire...” — Terry Barksdale

Stepps Treatment Program Workshop

Stepps Treatment Program Workshop

“Lucille Ball said, "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." Well, that only works if they have good tools that are fast and effective to use. Sandvox is such a tool.” — Dr. Ian Gillespie

The Housepet Housevet

The Housepet Housevet

“The best compliment anyone has given me so far is that several people have asked me if my business is a franchise. I figure if they're asking, then they must think my logo, website and promotional materials are pretty well done :)” — Carrie Schultz, DVM

Virtual Reflections, A new dimension of you

Virtual Reflections, A new dimension of you

“It contains a listing of things we d, some photos of the different aspects of or work, and a short video showing the basics.” — Steven Stone

Alexandria Montessori School

Alexandria Montessori School

“I spent hours building a website using another company's trial product. When I was finished building the site and I went to publish it, the site moved very, very slowly. I tried to get help with questions I had but there was no phone number and I never got a response from my written inquiry about...” — Julie Beall



“"Sienestä" is the website of a company with same name. We are buying forest mushrooms in Northern finland and selling them as processed product all over Finland.” — Esa Holopainen



“It is one of only two that would provide what I needed. All the others restricted the width of the information that I needed to provide without wrapping. The only alternative was to use a smaller point size which would lead to illegibility. The other point that I like is the simplicity. Too many...” — Marcus Girvan

Faith Lutheran Church, ELCA

Faith Lutheran Church, ELCA

“I chose the core menu items to include and then built sub pages within these core menu items to ease navigation.” — Paul Amlin

Alberto Carlo Galli

Alberto Carlo Galli

“My website has been built to make my teaching more dynamic and my students more interested in learning English. So, there is information on my teaching methodology, grading criteria, and syllabuses. There are also links to relevant EFL sites and some interactive exercises.” — Alberto Carlo Galli

Sarjakuvakurssi (comics course)

Sarjakuvakurssi (comics course)

“Main material of the site is comics and images made by children . They are motivated better when they can see their works at the web, show them for their friends and parents. Also they get more self confidence. The site also informs people about different happenings related comics.” — Esa Holopainen



“I chose this particular design because the color orange is very energizing and it comes in wide screen orientation (from Blue Ball) which looks great on my Macbook!” — Jay Reimer