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21 Sandvox sites tagged “writer”

Qui Sommes-Nous ?

Qui Sommes-Nous ?

“I am promoting my font: VEGESIGNES. I am promoting my books on I made a family portrait. I enclose some of my music.” — Laval Chabot

Robert Lankamp

Robert Lankamp

“So far, there are not many of them, I'm afraid. I'll learn as I go along. I'm a big fan of dragging and dropping.” — R.E. Lankamp

Jeremy Dronfield

Jeremy Dronfield

“I used code injection for two purposes: to customise the fonts and colours for text and headings; and to introduce a custom horizontal rules (a nice fading-ends hr snippet I found online).” — Jeremy Dronfield

Darren Ingram

Darren Ingram

“The best anecdote is Sandvox. Like one of the awards' speeches: "I thank my family, my friends and Sandvox, without whom I wouldn't be here today..."” — Darren Ingram

David K. Aycock

David K. Aycock

“I only used my own word and photos in my website. I have used clip art and non-original material in a previous incarnation of my site, but wanted this redesign to be all mine.” — David K. Aycock

Chris Bradford

Chris Bradford

“I created my website in less than 4 days as I was under pressure to complete before my wife gave birth to our second child!” — Chris Bradford

Molly Ringle

Molly Ringle

“The email contact form wasn't working right for me, so I inserted the raw HTML of the contact form I'd been using in my previous version of my pages. Seems to look all right and works!” — Molly Ringle

Sleeping Dogs: The Thriller

Sleeping Dogs: The Thriller

“I incorporated some materials from a former version of the site on iWeb. I also created a Rogue's Gallery for photos, a News section in place of the typical blog, and a section for posting samples of my writing efforts.” — John Wayne Falbey

Tony Stimac's China Projects

Tony Stimac's China Projects

“I wanted to give viewers a quick snapshot of the projects I have done in China. Pictures quickly communicate the scope of a project and are eye catching. It was also the fastest way to get something up and running quickly.” — Anthony Stimac

“I'm using Blueball Gravitas, and I love it. It's clean, simple, and has given me lots of flexibility to create different kinds of pages. All Sandvox designs do that, of course, but this one works particularly well for me, and I'm currently building another site with it that will launch soon. I had...” — Rafael Cortes

Peter Twohig

Peter Twohig

“This website has been around. When I first got my book deal with HarperCollins, I went looking for a platform building software. I actually built three websites, using Sandvox, Rapidweaver and Wordpress, and actually published them to see what they were like to work with. In spite of the other two...” — Peter Twohig

Dannie Abse

Dannie Abse

“The design was chosen because of its simplicity and clarity. The website does not have a huge amount of content, but the content that is there needs to be clear and legible. The audience of the site would expect a serious, focussed site - and this design helps achieve that.” — David Abse

Linda Katmarian, Author

Linda Katmarian, Author

“I'm a novice, but I created my own collage for my banner. For main tabs, I use pages with a side panel. For topics, I use a plain page with no side panel. I used some of the content from my blog to help build content.” — Linda Katmarian

The Official Site of George M. Moser

The Official Site of George M. Moser

“My website is for information about my upcoming novels. My first novel is called Nine Lives and will be published early 2012. I am an author of horror and thrillers.” — George M. Moser

Anne Brooke

Anne Brooke

“Since my new Sandvox website was published, I have had several readers of my work contact me to say how much they loved the new improved look. Thank you, Sandvox!” — Anne Brooke

“The design I chose was a good match for me because it was simple and allowed me to tailor it to reflect me as a writer.” — Susan Blakeney

“It has a large banner at the top and lots of white space. It's simple, elegant, and helped me get the look I wanted.” — Rafael Cortes



“It is one of only two that would provide what I needed. All the others restricted the width of the information that I needed to provide without wrapping. The only alternative was to use a smaller point size which would lead to illegibility. The other point that I like is the simplicity. Too many...” — Marcus Girvan

Robyn Davis Sekula

Robyn Davis Sekula

“A bio of the writer, and samples of her writing, press releases, and video projects” — Harry Jacobson-Beyer

Fernwood Writers Workshops

Fernwood Writers Workshops

“My current Sandvox design has colours that match my emblem photograph: a fern and a piece of driftwood.” — Karen Lee Pickett

Alistair Forrest - History's treasure brought to life

Alistair Forrest - History's treasure brought to life

“My first radio interview about my book was on Radio Europa Mediterraneo (REM FM) and the host of The Book Show had obviously browsed my website. The very first question she asked referred to an obscure book I wrote 25 years ago, which was mentioned somewhere on the site. So I was not only...” — Alistair Forrest