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14 Sandvox sites tagged “leadership”

Kat Nesbit

Kat Nesbit

“My testimonials tell much about how I best serve my clients and why new visits enjoy coming to read about it.” — Kat Nesbit

Mar-aon Consulting

Mar-aon Consulting

“Sadly I didn't do anything clever to build the site - I didn't need to since Sandvox does most of the hard work for me.” — Peter Blair

Ralf China

“Mehr Erfolg mit Menschen: Wirksam - Schnell - Sicher - Spaß - Erfolg! Menschen sind vernunft-begabt, verhalten sich aber nicht immer vernünftig. Der Grund dafür sind evolutions-biologische "Programme", die nach wie vor wirksam sind und unser Verhalten steuern. Diese bio-logischen...” — Ralf China

Campbell Associates

Campbell Associates

“After almost twenty years in business and never having had or needed a website. After brief stay in hospital I simply decided to build a site while in recovery. A project to pass the time.” — steve campbell

InnerVenture, LLC

InnerVenture, LLC

“The purpose of this website is to support my business consulting and coaching practice. I work with small to mid-size company owners as well as corporate executives to provide management consulting and executive coaching.” — Michael Smith

Round Square Friends

Round Square Friends

“The site explains our purpose. It includes a list of Round Square Schools in the UK. It list Bursaries awarded by Friends of Round Square and publicises future events. It also has photos of Round Square projects. One page is a link to the Round Square website. Round Square Schoos are based on...” — Mr. G. Nurser

CarriArte Loopbaanontwikkeling

CarriArte Loopbaanontwikkeling

“I chose the Clockwork Orange design. I like it because it gives ample room to the banner and the website title. The orange colour is striking and gives an optimistic feel. By using pictures that fit in the colour scheme, the whole looks balanced and natural (at least, that's what I hope).” — Mark de Beer

Christopher G. Myers | University of Michigan

Christopher G. Myers | University of Michigan

“My website is designed to share the work I am doing with a broad audience of other academics and leaders in organizations around the world. My site includes information about my research interests, a bit about my biography and personal background, my curriculum vitae, and ways to connect with me...” — Christopher Myers

“I wanted to put a free Safety Culture survey on the site so I built on using Adobe Forms and then cut and pasted the raw HTML into a page. Now the full survey shows up on that page just as if I was managing the survey myself.” — Timothy Ludwig

Venture Consulting - Growing People @ Work

Venture Consulting - Growing People @ Work

“I was excited to use the Google tools that are integrated with Sandvox. I am not an IT guy... it is so easy with Sandvox!!! Way cool!” — Clifford Smith

Team Adventure

Team Adventure

“I got a call from a school in Boston who just found my website while searching the web. They came all the way to Central New York for a challenge course program with 50 of their students.” — Thomas Gardner

Feedback Academy

Feedback Academy

“As mentioned before, the site sky rocketed when you searched for the word "feedback" in Sweden from 100+ (when using iWeb) to number 6. Thanks Karelia.” — Stefan Gunnarsson

ydangle - aspire, grow, live

ydangle - aspire, grow, live

“The background colors provided a nice backdrop to the bright colors we wanted to use in our logo. We felt it gave a serious professional yet fun feel to the site. We also use photographs on our site and the color enhances this. The design is neat and well structured.” — Eric Nienaber



“Sprechen Sie "limbisch"? Dann beherrschen Sie die Sprache, ... ● die Neugier und Lust zu erwecken vermag, ● die Ihnen hilft, zu begeistern und Menschen für sich zu gewinnen, ● die Ihren Argumenten Glaubwürdigkeit verleiht, ● mit der Sie Wohlwollen und Verständnis...” — Thomas Weil